Named Persons: State control we should all be questioning, warns columnist

A Courier newspaper columnist, commenting on the recent story about Hopscotch Theatre Company, raised important concerns about the dangerous levels of state control the Named Person scheme creates.

Jenny Hjul wrote: “Whatever your political persuasion, the Named Persons legislation introduces a level of state control over Scots’ lives that we should all be questioning.

She warned: “It authorises the invasion of privacy according to a government checklist, which is administered by a stranger approved by another government checklist.

“It sanctions intrusion into every aspect of a child’s life, from interfering in personal issues to checking if children get a say in how their room is decorated and what they watch on TV.

“And if a child fails to meet the expectations of its Big Brother watchdog, that individual has the authority to discuss its young charge with the NHS, the police, social workers and various government bodies.”

The NO2NP campaign shares these and many other concerns about the legislation. Download our leaflet ’11 Reasons to say NO to the Named Person scheme’ in our resources section to find out more.