Videos: NO2NP Campaign Launch Conference Talks

The NO2NP campaign launched on 9th June 2014 in Edinburgh. Watch conference talks from Liz Smith MSP, Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, Maggie Mellon, Dr Jennifer Cunningham and Colin Hart.


Liz Smith MSP

Liz Smith has been MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife since 2007 and is the Conservative spokesperson on Young People. She has received scores of letters from constituents criticising the Named Person scheme, which she says is morally wrong and practically impossible.


Dr Mike Fitzpatrick

Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, GP and author of ‘The Tyranny of Health’, warns that those behind the Named Person proposals have no idea what they are doing and that what they are doing will do harm.


Maggie Mellon

Maggie Mellon is an Independent Social Services Consultant and she maintains that “families are best for children, not services”. She says the state “makes a lousy parent” and warns that family is currently the biggest element missing from national policy.


Dr Jennifer Cunningham

Dr Jennifer Cunningham is a community paediatrician in Glasgow. She says the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act is the logical outcome of a raft of Government policy documents that have paved the way to greater state intervention in families.


Colin Hart

Colin Hart, Director of The Christian Institute, explains the aims of NO2NP. He explains the two parts to the campaign – the court of law and the court of public opinion.

